Monday, January 31, 2011

First Day of Training

Today is the day...
My first day in the pool. Can I say.... Nervous. First I had to find the right swim suit. You know the one.... The one that hides as much as possible. That gives a little boost to your curves, but tries to hide all of the imperfections.
I didn't quite find the perfect suit, so I just threw on a pair of swim shorts too. I head over to the pool at noon. There are already about 5 people swimming at the pool. That's too many for me. I was ready to pack it in already. Of course, the life guard can't be more than 18 years old and he's looking at me like I am too old to be in a swim suit. But then I relax as I realize that I am the youngest in the pool by about 20 years.
I may have been then youngest, but I was not the fastest or the most enduring. I was just plain ole me. Out of shape and trying hard not to run away from the pool.
Once I was in the pool I remembered why I loved to swim so much. Gliding through the pool, regardless of your natural grace. No one seems to care that you are the slowest or worst swimmer. Everyone just does their own thing.
Lap one down, no problem. Lap two, I could feel my breathing strain on the back half. Then I had to rest. Every lap after, I was taking about a 30 second break. This is definitely going to be a challenge.
As I was walking to the car, I realized how exhausting swimming truly is.
On the bright side, Day 1 training is done and I completed it.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Big C

 I have been thinking about competing in a Triathlon for about two years, but felt that I had to be more organized in my life. Work and the kids had to be balanced along with needing my husband's support. Training and fundraising is a big commitment.
Last Wednesday I made the decision official by signing up. The reason for a triathlon? To achieve the Triple Crown. In TNT terms- compete in three endurance events with TNT. Ultimately, I use Team in Training to get me into shape. I perform better when I pursue a goal. The goal this year is to be able to swim, bike and run at the Olympic distance.
So I benefit from TNT by having someone train me for free. All I have to do is raise funds for Blood Cancers. It's a great cause, right? So my thinking is, Pay it Forward. I am so blessed that my children are healthy. So thankful that I haven't been exposed to this awful disease.
It has not even been a week since my commitment and the Big C has hit home. Yesterday, a guy that works for my husband, told Scott that he has cancer. Wrapped around his spine, no less. Today, another of Scott's manager's wife underwent surgery to remove a tumor in her breast. This evening, my Dad told me he has Prostate Cancer for the second time. Wow- that's a lot of Cancer.
Reality has set in. Cancer is everywhere. All of us know someone who has Cancer or had Cancer. It sucks; emotionally, physically and financially. This is what I know.... I no longer swim to tone my arms. I don't cycle to build cardio and I don't run to have great legs. I do these things because it's a reminder of what others have to go through; friends, family and strangers alike. It's a reminder that we have to find a cure and anything that we do gets us one step closer to finding it.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

30 lb kid

I am a Mom. My youngest child is 20 months and 30 lbs. She will be a tall girl just like her sister. I can't wait to hear her laughter when I come home from work every day. It always makes me smile. The only problem is she wants to be held. A lot!
Did I mention she is 30 lbs? Needless to say that those 30 lbs cause me pain every day. Sometimes in my shoulders, other days I can feel it in my lower back. I might have left out the fact  that I am very much out of shape....

Today I went for my first pre- training massage. Before I lace up my running shoes or decide which color swim suit to wear, I had to get the kinks out. By far, it was the best massage I have ever gotten. My arms got stretched, the knots in my legs were kneaded out and I felt relaxed for the first time in months.

Now, as I look forward to my first swim in a very long time; I will be pain free. At least for a few hours. Then I will come home and pick up my 30 lb kid. I will snuggle with her and be so very grateful that she is my healthy 30 lb kid. I may be out of shape and struggle with the inadequacies of my body, but I know that as I trudge through training, nursing aches and pains, that I am helping to cure Cancer.

Please join me as I train for the South Maui Triathlon and raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Friday, January 21, 2011

What am I thinking?

Wednesday night I committed myself to the South Maui Triathlon. I'm raising money for The Leukemia and Lymphoma society.
It's a great cause- I'm trying to cure cancer after all. The money that I raise goes directly to the research of blood cancers. Leukemia causes more deaths than any other cancer in children under the age of 20. As a Mom, I think everyday about paying it forward. I want my two girls to live happy, healthy lives. If swimming a mile, cycling 25 and running 6  can help raise money.... Then I'm up for it!

Join me!