Tuesday, May 3, 2011


There are 41 days left until I compete in my first triathlon in Maui. We are about to start our Peak training. Tougher workouts, double sports days which lead to physical and emotional drains. My nerves are stretched thin as my baby hits the Terrible Twos and I am trying to get one extra run in. I have cried more times in the past two weeks than I have in two years. I cry when my knees hurt, I cry because I'm tired. I cry watching TV shows that stretch the emotion and I cry reading ridiculous cards. No cry is too small.
But as my emotions teeter on the brink, I remember to be grateful.

My Thank Yous:
Thank you to all of my donors... The money goes to a wonderful cause.
Thank you to my team... They have supported me in the cold, the wind and the rain.
Thank you to my Mentor... I love competing with you.
Thank you to my Coaches....They don't have much to work with.
Thank you to Loree.... Your story inspires me.
Thank you to The Children's Place.... They matched my donation.
Thank you to my In-Laws... Without them, Pax and Pyper would be running wild.
Thank you to the Moms... They have run with me, shared their Camping experience and equipment, and cleaned out their garages for me.
Thank you to Mrs. Boloyan... Her Baklava is Amazing.
Thank you to my Parents.... They will be at the Finish line.
Thank you to my girls.... They cheer for me every day.
Thank you to Facebook friends.... I need someone to read my Posts.
Thank you to Levi and Weston and Scotty D.... I love my song.
Thank you to my friends.... Sometimes I need to be carried.
Thank you to my Husband....He pushes me out of bed every Saturday morning to train. I love you.

There are so many reasons to be grateful. So many people to Thank. I am inspired by all that is right with the world. 
Grazie, Gracias, Danke sehr, Arigatou gozaimasu, Xie xie, Merci.

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